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14 Awesome Things to do in Port Barton (Travel Guide)

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We will you all the details things to do in Port Barton if you are planning to visit El Nido and Coron give a chance to visit Port Barton. There are a few restaurants, not so many hotels and most of the travelers around the area are backpackers.

Port Barton is located in San Vicente Palawan. Just half of the way between Puerto Princesa and El Nido. It’s a small town, with a beautiful beach and amazing island hopping where you can even see turtles. Click here to book online your island hopping in Port Barton!

This full Port Barton travel guide will make you visit in your next trip. Read here how to get from Puerto Princesa to Port Barton.

Read here 10 Days Palawan Itinerary, how to get to Port Barton and where to stay in Port Barton!


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Port Barton Travel Guide

Best time to visit Port Barton

The best time to visit Port Barton is from December to May since the rain usually falls in the middle of the year. Being the rainy season in Port Barton from June to October. Port Barton is always quiet since most of the travelers go from Puerto Princesa to El Nido and Coron. In our last visit June it was little bit rainy but we got amazing sunsets everyday.

Click here to know more about the weather in Port Barton!

How to get to Port Barton

Getting to Port Barton from Puerto Princesa

There are a few companies as Recaro and Lexxus with vans from Puerto Princesa Airport to Port Barton. Prices are around 500 PHP and it will take 3-4 hours journey. You can get the van from the airport since the companies will offer to you the service. In this way you will save time transferring to the Bus Terminal. If you go to the Bus Terminal the vans will be cheaper around 350 PHP. We chose this option going from Puerto Princesa Bus Terminal to Port Barton.

Click here to book online your transfer in the van!

Jeepneys and buses are going to Port Barton from Puerto Princesa early morning. The travel time will be around 4-5 hours and the price is 250 PHP. You will have to get the bus and jeepney in San Jose Bus Terminal.

You can also rent a motorbike from Puerto Princesa to Port Barton if you like the adventure. It will cost 500 PHP per day. And it will take you around 4 hours to reach Port Barton.

Getting to Port Barton by Private Transfer from Puerto Princesa

If you are traveling in a group with your friends and family and you prefer to book a private transfer to Port Barton from Puerto Princesa. Click here to book online your private transfer!

Getting Port Barton from El Nido

If you want to get to Port Barton from El Nido the best option is by van. There are a few companies like Recaro and Lexxus going from 8 am to 5 pm to Port Barton. Prices are around 600-750 PHP for 4 hours van ride.

Read here how to get to El Nido!

ATM in Port Barton

ATM in Port Barton, things to do in Port Barton, Port Barton travel guide

Great news guys! In our recent visit in June 2019 we saw that there is an ATM in Port Barton. And it’s accepting local and foreigner cards. It’s only one so far and we still recommend you to bring cash enough from El Nido or Puerto Princesa just in case isn’t working those dates. So now there are no excuses to stay longer in Port Barton because of running out cash.

Wifi and Internet Connection in Port Barton

Wifi is weak in most of the accommodations and very intermittent. The best way to have internet in Port Barton is using your own data. We always recommend you in these places to have Globe and Smart if you are working online. If Globe has a problem you can always connect to Smart to finish a few tasks.

You will find spots with 4G but in general intermittent and weak connection you will have in Port Barton. Make sure you catch up with work before going to Port Barton and you just enjoy this paradise.

Click here if you want to know the best Filipino sim for tourist!

Electricity in Port Barton

The electricity in Port Barton is getting better and last time you can have electricity from 5 pm to midnight. It depends on where you stay in Port Barton if they have their own generator you will have more hours of electricity. In our case we were staying at Deep Moon Resorts in Port Barton and it has 20 hours of electricity. They just cut from 3 am to 7 am which was perfect for us.

Environmental Fee in Port Barton

enviromental fee in Port Barton, things to do in Port Barton, Port Barton travel guide

When the van stops you have to pay an environmental fee of 50 PHP valid for 10 days. Make sure you keep the card because they will ask you to show when doing the island hopping. If you want to stay longer than 10 days you can pay for 100 PHP. If you skip the payment of the environmental fee you will have to pay when you do an island hopping since they are always asking for this.

Transportation around Port Barton

I would say everything is walking distance in Port Barton since it’s very small. Some tricycles can give you a ride if you have so much luggage. Ride from the tricycle to the van terminal is 50 PHP we took it since it was raining cats and dogs and we didn’t want to ruin our luggage and gadgets.

You can rent a motorbike if you are visiting outside Port Barton. Walking around Port Barton to the bus station and around the beach will not take more than 10 minutes. For island hopping there are boats available. You can join a tour for 1200 PHP or rent a private boat for 5000-6000 PHP for the whole day (around 3 people this price if you join more people prices go up).

How many days should I spend in Port Barton (Itinerary)

In our opinion you should spend 2 complete days in Port Barton to enjoy the place and doing the main activities. When I mention 2 complete it would be great staying 3 nights. Since getting to Port Barton, check in your accommodation can take one day. But if you go early afternoon you can organize properly activities for that afternoon.

Fisrt day itinerary in Port Barton

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You should do Island hopping. It’s fine joining a group for the island hopping since there are less than 8 people. In our case we were 6 people in the tour included 3 of us. The boatman organize the tour and they stop 2 hours for lunch in an island. The departure of the tour is 9 am to 4 pm.

So that day you will be busy with the island hopping and after that make sure you don’t miss the sunset. You can go out for dinner to Guayacan, Big Mama or Gorgonzola in the Bonifacio street where most of the restaurants are. If you feel having a drink you can go at sunset to Deep Moon Resorts. Or also at night in bars in the beach where you can find music and having beer before going to sleep. Port Barton is quiet and don’t expect bars and restaurants stay longer than 11 pm or midnight.

Second Day in Port Barton

snorkeling in Port Barton, island hopping in Port Barton

You can relax in the morning around the beach kayaking. You can rent kayak for a few hours to explore beaches around. You can also go walking or by boat to White Beach. If you go by boat it will take you 20 minutes to reach White Beach and prices are around 200-400 PHP. You will have to wait in White Beach to come back to Port Barton. The boatmen do trips every hour from White Beach to Port Barton and viceversa.

You can also go walking and it will take you 1 hour to reach White Beach from Port Barton. If you stop taking pictures and watching the views will take longer. You can also visit the Coconut Beach before White Beach. Not so beautiful as White Beach but still worth it and quiet.

After visiting White Beach we recommend you to go back to Port Barton for sunset. You can stay overnight in White Beach since there is a resort with a few rooms. After sunset just going out for dinner to Bonifacio street or around where you will find restaurants until 10 pm open. If you feel going for a drink you can head to the beach where a few bars will be opened with music until midnight. Don’t expect a big party in Port Barton since the town is calm and quiet.

Spending More than 2 Days in Port Barton

Relax in the beach and watching sunsets. You can also rent a kayak and spend a few hours. You can do a hike to Pamuayan Waterfalls is about one hour to reach there (more info below in things to do in Port Barton).

You can do other island hopping joining a tour or with a private boat chasing more spots in Port Barton. Rent a motorbike and going around. Spending a day trip in San Vicente or why not a few days if you have time to visit the Long Beach 18 kilometers long.

Daily Budget in Port Barton

daily budget in Port Barton, things to do in Port Barton, Port Barton travel guide

If you want to go on a budget there are local carinderias where you can get a meal for 50-70 PHP. If you want to visit restaurants around Port Barton price per person can go from 200-400 PHP per meal or even less if you visit local restaurants.

Island hopping will cost you 1200 PHP if you join a tour and they will include mask for snorkeling, lunch and entrance fees. If you want to take a boat to White Beach will cost you 300 PHP per person. And they will pick you up when you decide every hour they do trips from White Beach to Port Barton.

There are a few choices for accommodation in Port Barton. All the places have the basics and expect not having electricity during the night.  You can find prices around 800 PHP per night in a dorm. You can get a room with air condition around 1200-1500 PHP. Cool, right?


Things to do in Port Barton

1. Island Hopping in Port Barton

Blue Cove Resort in Port Barton, daily budget in Port Barton, things to do in Port Barton, Port Barton travel guide,

It’s a must Island Hopping of things to do in Port Barton even you did in El Nido or Coron you have to try in Port Barton too.

We joined a tour in Port Barton. The price was 1200 PHP per adult and our kid Han free. The tour was lunch, masks and entrance fee included. Tours are from 9 am to 4 pm. We really liked it and we did snorkeling in Twin Reef, Fantastic Reef (our favorite one). We also visited the turtle spot and we were lucky to see a turtle.

Click here to get a discount booking online your island hopping in Port Barton!

We had a lunch at Blue Cove Resort. Nice place and nice lunch! We visited Exotic Island. And our last stop before heading to Port Barton was Star Fish Island the sand bar where you can see many star fishes. In our opinion a must to visit is Twin and Fantastic Reef, turtle and star fish and sand bar. Check below the tours that operators offer in Port Barton with fixed price of 1200 PHP. Many of the operators are offering already a mix of the places to visit instead the fix itinerary.

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Tour A

Wide Reef
German Island
Twin Reef
Turtle Spot
Paradise Island
Star Fish and Sand Bar

Tour B

Turtle Spot
Maxima Island
Reef 5
German Island
Aquarium Reef
Star Fish and Sand Bar

Tour C

Bigaho Waterfalls
Turtle Spot
German Island
Twin Reef
Wide Reef
Star Fish and Sand Bar

Tour D

Fantastic Reef
Capsalay Island
German Island
Turtle Spot
Lagoon Reef
Star Fish and Sand Bar

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Prices of the tours are 1200 PHP and they include island fees, lunch and masks for snorkeling. But if you include German Island there is an entrance fee of 100 PHP extra that you will have to pay on your own.

It’s easy to agree with the people in the boat and combining the places in the tour. And tour companies are mixing the places to visit. No need to adjust to the itinerary of one tour.

If you want to do a private tour prices can go 6000 PHP for 3 people with food and masks included. If you add more people the price will increase. Just ask the boatmen around and try to negotiate the best price.

Which tour would you choose in Port Barton

If I have to choose which one is my favorite tour after being 3 days island hopping in Port Barton. I would say Tour A and Tour D are my favorites. Places that you can’t miss in the island hopping: Twin Reef, Turtle Spot, German Island, Fantastic Reef and Star Fish and Sand Bar almost on the way back to Port Barton.

Our Tour Itinerary in Port Barton

We did this tour:  snorkeling Twin reef , Fantastic Reef and the Turtle spot. We stopped for lunch at Blue Cove Resort. After lunch we visited Maxima and Exotic Island (our least favorite part of the tour). And last stop was Capsalay or Star Fish island close to Port Barton.

2. Beach Camping

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One of our favorite things to do in Port Barton was camping. After an amazing island hopping we stayed overnight with our tent and we really loved it! The best thing of camping in Port Barton you will have the opportunity of enjoying two island hopping to make sure you don’t miss the most beautiful spots in Port Barton.

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We spent the day snorkeling, swimming, eating, drinking, and listening to music. We of course also visited beautiful spots and went for a camping in a really beautiful place. The island had no signal, so there wasn’t internet connection. This disconnection let us connect with the whole gang. We pitched our tents in the island, enjoyed the sunset, beers, coconuts, snacks and dinner time next to the campfire.

3. A Day Trip to San Vicente

day trip to San Vicente in Palawan, sunrise in San Vicente

If you go by boat can cost you around 2000 PHP the day trip with lunch included. It takes around 2 hours going by boat each way. Once in San Vicente you have to enjoy the long beach 18 kilometers long. If you have time you can spend a couple of days in San Vicente.

If you want to go on a budget there are buses going to San Vicente stopping in Roxas  from Port Barton ask for the schedule. But it will be hard to match the schedule and going back the same day to Port Barton enjoying the day in San Vicente. It can be a great option if you are planning to go to San Vicente for a few days from Port Barton. Total price of jeepney and bus from Port Barton-Roxas and San Vicente will be around 250 PHP.

You can also rent a motorbike 500-800 PHP depending on the season. And drive your way from Port Barton to San Vicente if can be an amazing plan to explore around with the motorbike.

If you want to know more about San Vicente read this blog post. And if you look for accommodation we stayed at Peace & Love Resort in San Vicente.

4. Star Fish Island

daily budget in Port Barton, things to do in Port Barton, Port Barton travel guide, Star Fish island in Port Barton, Capasalay Island

We mentioned before as a part of the Island hopping. Even many boats are going to star fish island before finishing the island hopping is worth it to visit. Star fish Island is close to Port Barton. You can see plenty of star fishes with clear and transparent water. There is also a sand bar to walk around.

5. German Island

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There is an entrance fee 100 PHP to visit German Island located in front of the turtle spot. You can also stay for lunch. The island is so beautiful with blue water around. You can play volleyball or relax with the swing. There is a bathroom for more comfort.

More Things to do in Port Barton

6. Kayaking

You can rent a kayak for a few hours and going around. You can also rent for the whole day if you are planning to kayak for a few hours. There are companies that they provide the kayak with a dry bag. You can get a kayak for 500 PHP the whole day. If you want to kayak for 2 hours 300-400 PHP.

7. Snorkeling

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It’s a must in the things to do in Port Barton. We did during our island hopping. Our favorite spots where Twin Reef and Fantastic Reef where you can see fishes and corals. They allow you to stay more than 30 minutes as we considered enough. For the turtle spot also same time to try to spot the turtle. So if you think that you would love to spend more time snorkeling maybe you organize a trip on your own.

8. Visit Bigaho Falls

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A few tours include Bigaho Falls in their itinerary which is 15 minutes walk from the beach. It’s a great idea if you do a couple of days doing Island hopping or you have extra time. It’s always great to refresh yourself in the waterfalls.

9. Hiking to Pamuayan Waterfalls

Pamuayan Waterfalls are 20 meters high. It will take you an hour to get there hiking from Port Barton. The path starts at Green View Hotel make sure you are bringing water since is a long hike and later you have to go back. The hike is easy to do and it’s well indicated but if you prefer you can hire a guide for 200-300 PHP. The waterfalls are great for refreshment after hike.

10. Relax at Itatay Beach

Itatay Beach, daily budget in Port Barton, things to do in Port Barton, Port Barton travel guide

Itatay Beach is the main beach in Port Barton and it’s quiet most of the day. You can relax around the beach, swimming, get a drink or grab some food in the restaurants in the resorts. If you prefer more active plans you can rent a boat and going around or just rent a kayak.

11. White Beach

White Beach in Port Barton, daily budget in Port Barton, things to do in Port Barton, Port Barton travel guide

You can access by boat from Port Barton. It will take 10 minutes and each way will cost you between 150-300 PHP depending on how many people are going in the boat.

You can also go hiking from Port Barton to White Beach and it will take you 40 minutes. On the way you will see another beach and you will have great views. You can also do this way by motorbike and it will take you less time to get to White Beach from Port Barton.

Once you get to White Beach there is an entrance fee of 50 PHP. You will see white sand and clear water just swim and enjoy paradise.

12. Sunset in Port Barton

Sunset in Port Barton, daily budget in Port Barton, things to do in Port Barton, Port Barton travel guide

Sunsets in Itatay Beach the main beach in Port Barton are amazing. You can enjoy the sunset with a beer, juice, a fresh coconut.  We did mostly taking pictures and swimming in the sunsets. For us Port Barton are our favorite sunsets in the Philippines.

13. Have a Drink at Deep Moon Resorts

daily budget in Port Barton, things to do in Port Barton, Port Barton travel guide

It’s the perfect place for the sunset around this area. Beers are 60 PHP and the sunset in Port Barton is breathtaking. Our favorite place for sunset in the Philippines. Food was great with big portions and prices are around 200-400 PHP. There are more bars  around the beach just walk around and check yourself!

14. Diving

diving in the Philippines, diving in port barton, diving in Puerto Galera

There are a few spots around Port Barton and San Vicente area. If you go for a day trip the price will be around 3500-4000 PHP with lunch included.

Where to eat in Port Barton and Food Try in Port Barton

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Gorgonzola is a vegetarian restaurant with salads, pasta and popular because of their pizzas. Orders are around 200-300 PHP for pasta and salad. Pizza prices are around 600-900 PHP good enough for 2-3 people since is huge the size. It was our second time at Gorgonzola from our previous visit two years ago. The restaurant looks bigger and it’s always busy. It’s located in Bonifacio Street.

Restaurant Big Mama

A mix of Spanish and Mexican food. Nice place for dinner and prices are around 200-300 PHP per person. We loved it burgers and Quesadillas. It’s also located in Bonifacio Street.


The most popular restaurant in Bonifacio Street. You can get local orders starting from 60 PHP as a local carinderia. You have also menu to order other choices. Quality price is really good this restaurant and it’s always full of people. Be patient with your order will take time!

Where to Stay in Port Barton

where to stay in Port Barton, daily budget in Port Barton, things to do in Port Barton, Port Barton travel guide

where to stay in Port Barton, daily budget in Port Barton, things to do in Port Barton, Port Barton travel guide

We stayed in a beautiful cottage at Deep Moon Resorts in Port Barton. This place is perfect for the sunset to have a drink and you will find people having a drink while watching the sunset. You will have all the comfort that you need in Port Barton. Wifi connection available in the lobby to catch up with work. Data connection working in the cottage with Globe and Smart. Electricity runs almost the whole day, the only cut is from 3 am to 7 am. Just 5 minutes walking distance from the Van Terminal in Port Barton and also 5 minute walking distance to most of the restaurants in Port Barton.

Click here to check their availability and prices!

There are a few choices for accommodation in Port Barton. All the places have the basics and expect not having electricity during the night.  You can find prices around 800 PHP per night in a dorm. You can get a room with air condition around 1200-1500 PHP


How did you like our Port Barton travel guide? Which one of our favorite things to do in Port Barton would like to do? Let us know in the comments below.

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Happy Travels!

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