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How to get From Yangon Airport to City Center Best Way

yangon airport

How to get From Yangon Airport to City Center Best Way – You can go by bus, Grab App and taxi.

What Is The Distance From Yangon Airport to City Center?

The distance from Yangon International Airport to city center is 15 kilometers. Click here if you want to get your discount booking activities!

Yangon is the busiest airport in Myanmar located in Mingaladon also called Mingaladon Airport for locals. Read here our Yangon travel guide 

What Is The Cheapest Way From Yangon Airport to City Center?

The cheapest way from Yangon Airport to city center is by bus for less than $1 USD and it will take around 50 minutes.

What Is The Best Way From Yangon Airport to City Center?

The best way from Yangon airport to Yangon city center by Grab for $6 USD and it will take 30 minutes.

Read here Myanmar sim card for tourist and Breakfast in Myanmar 


For accommodation, you can find accommodation prices starting from $15-20 USD in a local guesthouse depending on how much you want to stretch your budget. Luxury hotels in Yangon can cost $100-300 USD for a room if you wish more comfort when visiting Yangon.

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How to get From Yangon Airport To City Center

There are a few flight companies going to Yangon from the most popular destinations in Asia like Bangkok, Bali and Kuala Lumpur. It can be direct flight or with a stopover as ours from Bali to Kuala Lumpur with Malindo Air.

We have to say it was our first time flying with Malindo Air and we liked it so much since they gave us a full meal in both flights from Bali to Kuala Lumpur and from Kuala Lumpur to Yangon.


How to get to Yangon City Center from the airport

It’s really easy to get to Yangon from the airport and it will take 30-50 minutes to reach city center depending on the traffic. We will describe all of them step by step.

How to get from Yangon airport to City Center by Grab and Taxi (Best Way)

How to get to Yangon City Center from the airport, how to get to yangon from Yangon international airport, how to get to Yangon from the airport, Yangon airport to city center

The best way from Yangon Airport to city center is by taxi or Grab App. Yes guys Grab works great in Yangon and expect to pay around 6000 Kyats to get to Sule Pagoda which is downtown.

The Grab travel time from Yangon Airport to downtown is around 30 minutes. You need internet to order Grab and download the app. It will not be a problem since you can get free wifi in Yangon International Airport.

How to get to Yangon City Center, how to get to yangon from Yangon international airport, how to get to Yangon from the airport, how to get to Yangon

Taxi Yangon airport to downtown

If you decide to take a taxi from Yangon Airport to downtown. You will have to agree on the price since the taxi driver doesn’t have a taximeter in Yangon. Expect to pay 15 000 Kyats to reach the Sule Pagoda area. You can get down or higher that price depending on your negotiation skills.

The travel time by taxi from Yangon Airport to downtown is around 30 minutes.

How to get from Yangon airport to City Center by bus (Cheapest Way)

How to get to Yangon City Center from the airport by bus, Yangon airport to city, Yangon airport to city by bus

The cheapest way to get from Yangon Airport to city center is by bus. The bus fare is only 500 Kyats which means 0.33 cents of USD.

The bus travel time from Yangon Airport to city center is around 40 minutes if there is no traffic. And a little bit longer if it’s peak hour. The waiting time for the bus at Yangon Airport is around 15-30 minutes.

We got to Yangon International Airport at 11 pm and there are buses running to city center from the airport for 24 hours. Our waiting time was around 20 minutes at midnight.

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how to get to yangon from Yangon international airport, how to get to Yangon from the airport, how to get to Yangon

There are two buses going to the city Blue and Red from Omni Focus. They will tell you the stops in English and Burmese language and you have to bring the exact money since they don’t have change.

It’s very clear the route and buses are so comfortable. So if you are on a budget we totally recommend you to do this as we did.

Book online Transportation from Yangon to anywhere!

Where to find the public bus stop at Yangon International Airport?

You just need to go outside and turn on the left. You will pass by taxis offering their services and at the end you will find the bus stopping there. Blue and Red you can read the stops and ask them which one works better for you or just look at the map.

Yangon airport to city, Yangon airport to city by bus,how to get to yangon from Yangon international airport, how to get to Yangon from the airport, how to get to Yangon

Currency Exchange in the airport

how to get to yangon from Yangon international airport, how to get to Yangon from the airport, how to get to Yangon

If you are traveling to Myanmar and you get by plane. If you are bringing cash you can check the exchange rates on May 2019. We don’t usually recommend exchanging money in the airport since the rates are usually lower than in the city.

But in Yangon, there is almost no difference and you will get almost the same exchange rate as in the city. $1 USD = 1500 Kyats. Click here to know the exact exchange rate in Myanmar.

ATMs in the Yangon International Airport

how to get to yangon from Yangon international airport, how to get to Yangon from the airport, how to get to Yangon

There are ATMs in the airport and also around the city so you will not have to worry about this. The commission from the ATM is high in Myanmar so if you are bringing cash you will save a few USD. It’s usually around 5 USD commission per withdrawal. Plus if you get any charge commission from your bank.

Buying SIM Card in Yangon airport

how to get to yangon from Yangon international airport, how to get to Yangon from the airport, how to get to Yangon

We didn’t buy the Sim Card in the airport since we got wifi enough to get to the bus stop and from our hotel. These are the plans that you can get with Telenor $1 USD is 1500 Kyats so you can get 6 GB for $4 USD and you will have to load in calls 500 Kyats and messages.

The connection in Myanmar will almost reach 4 GB following tourist places like Inle Lake, Yangon, Bagan and on the way to Thailand Bago, Golden Roch and Pha An.

We got surprised that the internet in Myanmar works better than in the Philippines. But not so good as Digital Nomads hubs like Thailand and Bali.

Click here to get your Myanmar SIM Card online and avoid the hassle!

How to get from Aung Mingalar Bus Station to City Center

In Yangon the bus station is 15 kilometers far away from city center in the North near the airport. It’s called Aung Mingalar Bus Station. You can get to Aung Mingalar Bus Station by public bus from city center only for 200 Kyats in Bus Number 36 yellow color. Also you can get a shared taxi from Sule Pagoda for 1000 Kyats.

For more comfort you can go by Grab and taxi and prices will go around 10000-15000 Kyats. By bus from city center can take 1 hour and 30 minutes and they are usually crowded. We decided to go by bus since it was cheaper than Grab and Taxi. It depends on your comfort and budget your choice!

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What to do in Yangon

things to know before visiting Myanmar, Yangon

We will write a travel guide to Yangon soon. Yangon is the largest city in Myanmar. In Yangon you can find the most sacred Pagoda in Myanmar Shwedagon Pagoda. It’s really big and it’s full of gold everywhere always crowded anytime of the day. If you visit around sunset time you will be able to see during day light and after sunset with the night lights which is so beautiful.

You can’t miss street markets during the day and at night time. There is a huge market in Chinatown where you can find Burmese food, fruits and even insects to eat. Prices are really cheap,. You can find food for less than a dollar. There are beer stations where Burmese people go for a beer. Prices are from 1-3 USD.

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Happy Travels!

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