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Oaxaca Christmas Traditions: Christmas Traditions in Oaxaca Mexico to Experience

Oaxaca Christmas Traditions Christmas Traditions in Oaxaca Mexico to

Curious to know about Oaxaca Christmas Traditions? In this guide, we’ll tell you more about Las Posadas, Noche de Rábanos, Pastoleras, Noche Buena, their history, symbolism and why their important.

In the heart of Mexico, Oaxaca is a city that pulsates with life, especially during Christmas. This region, rich in culture and history, offers some of the most vibrant and unique Christmas traditions in the world. From the colorful parades of Las Posadas to the intricate and mesmerizing Noche de Rábanos, Oaxaca’s festive spirit is unmatched. Read here sim card Oaxaca Airport

Oaxaca, a cultural and historical gem located in southern Mexico, boasts a rich tapestry of traditions. Among its many celebrations, Christmas stands out as a vibrant and deeply spiritual festivity. A blend of indigenous rituals and Spanish colonial influences, Christmas in Oaxaca is a unique experience that lingers in the hearts of both locals and visitors. Whether it’s the aromatic allure of traditional foods, the joyous carols echoing through the streets, or the intricate crafts filling the festive markets, Oaxaca offers a Christmas celebration like no other.

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Oaxaca Christmas Traditions – How They Started

Oaxaca Christmas Traditions

Oaxaca’s Christmas traditions are deeply rooted in its history, a confluence of pre-Hispanic indigenous practices and Spanish colonial customs. When the Spanish colonizers arrived in the 16th century, they brought with them Catholic traditions, including the celebration of Christmas.

Over time, these customs intertwined with indigenous beliefs and rituals. This fusion gave birth to a unique set of traditions that highlight Oaxaca’s distinct cultural identity. For instance, while nativity scenes might be a widespread Christian tradition, in Oaxaca, they often incorporate local elements, reflecting the region’s rich heritage.

Oaxaca’s Christmas traditions are a vibrant blend of indigenous cultures and Spanish influences. The festive season in Oaxaca is a unique and mesmerizing experience, a testament to the region’s rich history and resilient spirit. If you have the chance to be in Oaxaca during Christmas, immerse yourself in the traditions and become a part of the city’s enchanting celebrations.

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Top Christmas Traditions in Oaxaca to Experience

Las PosadasOaxaca Christmas Traditions

Las Posadas - Oaxaca Christmas Traditions
Las Posadas – Oaxaca Christmas Traditions – Image via Wikimedia / AlejandroLinaresGarcia

Las Posadas, which translates to “the inns,” is a deeply rooted Christmas tradition celebrated in Oaxaca and other parts of Mexico. Spanning nine days leading up to Christmas Eve, this festivity symbolizes the journey of Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem and their search for shelter. The tradition beautifully combines theatrical representation, community involvement, and deep religious sentiments.

Historical Origins

The tradition of Las Posadas was introduced to Mexico by Spanish missionaries in the 16th century as a way to teach the indigenous population about the story of Jesus’ birth. Over time, it melded with local customs and evolved into the rich celebration that it is today.

The Ritual

Each evening for nine nights, a procession is formed, usually consisting of children, with two of them dressed as Mary and Joseph. They are sometimes accompanied by individuals dressed as angels or shepherds. The procession visits selected homes, symbolizing the different places where Mary and Joseph sought refuge.

At each house, the participants sing a call-and-response song. The “innkeepers” inside the house sing verses, questioning the identity of the visitors and their intentions. The procession responds, identifying themselves and asking for shelter. Initially turned away, the procession moves on to another house. This continues until they reach the predetermined house where they will be “accepted.”


The rejection from the inns and the eventual acceptance symbolizes the challenges faced by Mary and Joseph and reflect the spiritual journey of seeking Christ in one’s life. The number nine is significant, representing the nine months of Mary’s pregnancy.

Ending the Evening

Once admitted into the home, the festivities truly begin. Inside, the gathering might witness a nativity scene or even a reenactment of the birth of Christ. This is followed by prayers, songs, and a celebration. Children often break piñatas filled with candy, fruits, and nuts. The evening concludes with a feast, featuring traditional foods and drinks.

Las Posadas is not just a religious event but also a community-building activity. The tradition reinforces bonds among neighbors, friends, and families. By reenacting the journey of Mary and Joseph, participants in Oaxaca and throughout Mexico are reminded of the virtues of humility, perseverance, and faith, especially during the festive Christmas season.

Noche de Rábanos (Night of the Radishes) Oaxaca’s Unique FestivityOaxaca Christmas Traditions

Oaxaca Christmas Traditions: Christmas Traditions in Oaxaca Mexico to Experience
Noche de Rabanos, Oaxa Christmas Traditions / Image via AlejandroLinaresGarcia, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Noche de Rábanos, or Night of the Radishes, is an event unique to Oaxaca. Taking place on December 23rd, this festival showcases the city’s artisan talent and agricultural bounty. Participants carve intricate and detailed scenes from oversized radishes, creating a vibrant display of craftsmanship.

Historical Origins:

The tradition began in the late 19th century when local farmers began carving radishes to attract customers’ attention to their market stalls. What started as a marketing gimmick quickly transformed into an annual festivity that drew both locals and tourists.

The Ritual

Artisans and participants prepare for this event months in advance, cultivating oversized radishes specifically for this festival. On the day, participants craft religious, cultural, and mythological scenes using radishes, sometimes supplemented with dried flowers and corn husks. The creations are displayed in Oaxaca’s main square, waiting for judges to declare a winner.


More than just showcasing artistic talent, the radish carvings often depict significant events from Oaxacan and Mexican history, blending current events with traditional themes. It’s a unique way to blend agricultural tradition with storytelling.

Ending the Evening

Post-judging, the town gathers to celebrate the creators and appreciate the art. Music, dancing, and food ensue, with traditional Oaxacan dishes taking center stage.

Noche de Rábanos is a testament to Oaxaca’s dedication to preserving its traditions while encouraging creativity and community participation. It’s a colorful, captivating event that showcases the heart of Oaxacan culture.

Pastorelas (Shepherd’s Plays): Oaxaca’s Theatrical Christmas Legacy (Oaxaca Christmas Traditions)

Pastorelas are traditional Christmas plays depicting the shepherds’ journey to Bethlehem to see the Christ child. These plays are a vibrant mix of comedy, drama, and religious reflection.

Historical Origins

Introduced by Spanish missionaries during colonial times, Pastorelas aimed to teach the Christmas story to the indigenous people. They’ve since evolved to include regional nuances, humor, and local folklore.

The Ritual

Local communities come together to put on these plays. The basic plot remains the same – shepherds, guided by the Star of Bethlehem, overcoming obstacles set by the devil to visit the baby Jesus. However, each rendition has its unique twist, often incorporating topical humor and cultural references.


Pastorelas serve as a reminder of the challenges faced on the path of faith. The shepherds’ determination, despite being tempted by the devil, reinforces the idea of unwavering faith.

Ending the Evening

Post-performance, communities often gather to celebrate with music, dancing, and food. These events foster community spirit and celebrate the shared heritage and faith.

Pastorelas are more than just plays; they’re a bridge to the past, linking modern-day Oaxaca with its colonial and indigenous roots. Through humor and drama, they convey a message of faith, perseverance, and the joy of Christmas.

La Calenda (The Parade): Oaxaca’s Joyful Processions – Oaxaca Christmas Traditions

La Calenda is a traditional parade that’s part of Oaxaca’s rich tapestry of celebrations, particularly around Christmas. Filled with vibrant music, large puppets, and a festive spirit, these processions light up the streets and invite everyone to join.

Historical Origins:

While Calendas have their roots in many Oaxacan festivities, their Christmas versions are particularly special. They blend indigenous traditions with Spanish colonial influences, creating a unique and dynamic celebration.

The Ritual:

The parade typically starts at a church and winds its way through the streets. Participants dress in traditional attire and dance to the rhythm of local bands. Large puppets, known as monos de calenda, bob above the crowd, operated by individuals who twirl them in delightful dances.


La Calenda is a celebration of community and faith. The parade, with its joyous atmosphere, signifies the anticipation of Christ’s birth and the coming together of a community in shared celebration.

Ending the Evening:

Once the procession concludes, it’s common for attendees to gather in communal spaces, sharing food, stories, and continuing the dance. Traditional Oaxacan dishes and drinks often feature, strengthening communal bonds.

La Calenda embodies the spirit of Oaxacan celebrations – vibrant, inclusive, and deeply rooted in tradition. It’s a joyous preamble to Christmas, setting the tone for the festivities to follow.

Los Días Inocentes (Day of the Innocents): Oaxaca’s Day of Pranks – Oaxaca Christmas Traditions

Resembling April Fools’ Day, Los Días Inocentes on December 28th is a day for playful pranks and light-hearted mischief. Rooted in religious tradition, it’s evolved into a day of jest and humor in Oaxaca.

The day originally commemorates King Herod’s decree to kill all male infants in Bethlehem to eliminate the newborn King (Jesus). Over time, the somber roots have transformed, and the day now focuses on playful mischief.

The Ritual

People play pranks on each other, from simple tricks to more elaborate jests. It’s all in good fun, and being fooled simply means you should be on your guard for the next year!


While the origins are somber, the modern-day celebrations focus on light-heartedness and camaraderie. It reminds people to find joy even in challenging times and to cherish the bonds they share with others.

Ending the Evening

Post-pranks, it’s customary for friends and families to gather, share stories of the day’s jests, and enjoy traditional foods. It’s a time of laughter, bonding, and warmth.

Los Días Inocentes, though rooted in a tragic event, showcases the Oaxacan spirit’s resilience and ability to find joy. It’s a testament to the community’s knack for adapting traditions and finding reasons to come together and celebrate.

Nochebuena (Oaxaca Christmas Tradition on Christmas Eve)

Nochebuena, or Christmas Eve, is one of the most significant celebrations in Oaxaca, highlighting the impending birth of Jesus. Families gather, streets come alive with decorations, and the scent of traditional food fills the air.

Historical Origins

The name “Nochebuena” translates to “Good Night,” representing the holy night when Jesus was born. This tradition has deep Christian roots and has been celebrated for centuries.

The Ritual

Families in Oaxaca attend a midnight mass, known as La Misa Del Gallo (The Rooster’s Mass). Churches are adorned with flowers, candles, and nativity scenes. After mass, families return home or gather in community spaces for a festive meal.


Nochebuena symbolizes the hope, joy, and renewal that Jesus’ birth brought to the world. The communal celebrations reinforce the significance of family and community during these sacred times.

Ending the Evening

After attending mass, Oaxacans indulge in a feast featuring traditional foods like bacalao (salted cod), tamales, and ponche, a warm fruit punch. Fireworks often light up the night sky, celebrating the birth of Christ.

Nochebuena in Oaxaca is a heartwarming blend of religious reverence and familial love. It encapsulates the essence of Christmas – faith, hope, and togetherness.

Pedimento (Asking) – Oaxaca’s Sacred Ritual of Requesting Blessings (Oaxaca Christmas Traditions)

Pedimento is a unique tradition in Oaxaca, where people travel to specific sacred sites to ask for blessings or make requests for the upcoming year.

Historical Origins

The practice draws inspiration from pre-Hispanic times when indigenous people would make pilgrimages to sacred sites. Over time, it merged with Christian traditions.

The Ritual

On specific days, especially around Christmas, Oaxacans travel to sites known for their sacred energy. They might lay offerings, light candles, or simply pray, asking for blessings or making wishes for the future.


Pedimento represents a blend of Oaxaca’s indigenous and Christian beliefs. It underscores the human desire for connection, be it with God, nature, or ancestral spirits, and the hope for a better future.

Ending the Day

Once their prayers are offered, many participants celebrate with communal meals, music, and dance, turning the sacred pilgrimage into a festive gathering.

Pedimento showcases Oaxaca’s rich tapestry of traditions, where ancient beliefs seamlessly blend with newer ones, creating a unique cultural experience.

La Rama (The Branch): Oaxaca’s Pre-Christmas Singing Procession

La Rama is a lively pre-Christmas tradition observed in parts of Oaxaca, especially coastal regions. Youngsters, armed with decorated branches, go from house to house, singing carols and spreading festive cheer.

Historical Origins:

Drawing its roots from indigenous traditions, La Rama has blended over the years with Christian practices. Originally, it was a thanksgiving celebration for the harvest, where locals would use branches to symbolize the bounty of nature.

The Ritual:

Children and young adults decorate branches (often banana branches) with tinsel, balloons, and paper flowers. Moving as a procession, they visit homes, singing traditional carols. In return, they often receive gifts, candies, or money.


The decorated branch is a symbol of life, growth, and nature’s blessings. By integrating this into the Christmas celebrations, Oaxacans pay homage to their agrarian roots and the bounties of nature, while also reveling in the festive spirit of Christmas.

Ending the Procession:

After visiting a number of houses, the procession often ends with a community gathering. Here, the young participants share their collected treats, enjoy music, and dance together, encapsulating the joy of the season.

La Rama beautifully marries Oaxaca’s indigenous customs with the universal joy of Christmas. It’s a vibrant reminder of the region’s rich cultural tapestry and the spirit of community that defines the festive season.

Los Parachicos: A Deep Dive into Oaxaca’s Dance of Gratitude

Though primarily associated with the state of Chiapas, the dance of Los Parachicos has found its way into Oaxacan celebrations too, especially in regions close to the Chiapas border. It’s a lively dance performed during major festivals, including Christmas.

Historical Origins

Legend has it that a wealthy woman came to Chiapas, seeking a cure for her ailing son. When he was miraculously cured after a local festivity, she expressed her gratitude with a grand fiesta. The Parachicos dance was performed in honor of this miracle.

The Ritual

Dancers dress in elaborate costumes with masks, headdresses, and rattles. They dance through the streets to the tune of drums and flutes, celebrating the spirit of gratitude and community.


The dance is symbolic of gratitude, miracles, and the divine intervention that touches ordinary lives. It’s also a celebration of community, where everyone – irrespective of age or status – comes together in joyous celebration.

Ending the Dance

The dance usually culminates in a community gathering, where participants and onlookers alike share food, stories, and hopes for the future.

Los Parachicos is a vivid demonstration of the region’s inherent blend of faith, history, and cultural richness. It adds a unique flavor to Oaxaca’s Christmas celebrations, making it a memorable experience for both residents and visitors.

Elements of Oaxaca Christmas Traditions

Christmas in Oaxaca is a multi-faceted celebration that goes beyond traditional rituals. Here’s a deeper look into the various elements that make the festive season in this region unique:

Christmas Markets (Mercados Navideños)

As Christmas approaches, the markets in Oaxaca transform into festive hubs, teeming with holiday wares, from intricate crafts to traditional food.


  1. Artisanal Crafts: The markets showcase handcrafted ornaments, nativity scenes made from local materials, and intricate textiles with Christmas motifs.
  2. Traditional Foods: Look out for special Oaxacan dishes that make an appearance during this season, such as tamales, bunuelos (a type of crispy fritter), and hot chocolate spiced with cinnamon and vanilla.

Night of the Radishes (Noche de Rábanos)

Unique to Oaxaca, this event on December 23rd sees local artisans creating intricate sculptures using large radishes, displaying them in the main square.


  1. Imagination Unleashed: From nativity scenes to depictions of daily life, these radish sculptures are a testament to Oaxacan creativity.
  2. Cultural Melding: Alongside radishes, artists also use dried flowers and corn husks to craft various scenes.

Food and Gastronomy

Oaxacan cuisine, renowned for its depth and variety, gains extra flair during Christmas.


  1. Oaxacan Hot Chocolate: Rich and aromatic, this beverage, made from local cacao and spiced with vanilla and cinnamon, warms the soul.
  2. Tamales: These steamed corn dough delicacies, stuffed with various fillings like mole and meats, are a festive staple.
  3. Bacalao a la Vizcaína: A traditional dish made of dried codfish cooked with tomatoes, capers, olives, and spices, often enjoyed during Christmas.

Music and Dance

The festive season in Oaxaca resonates with traditional music, adding rhythm to the celebrations.


  1. Zandunga: A traditional song from the Isthmus region, which is often played during festivities.
  2. Jarabe Mixteco: A traditional dance that portrays the courtship ritual, often performed during festive events.

Festive Foods – Oaxaca Christmas Traditions

No Oaxacan Christmas is complete without indulging in the region’s culinary delights. The festive season sees families gathering to prepare and savor traditional dishes that have been passed down through generations:

  • Mole Oaxaqueño: A rich and complex sauce made with chilies, spices, and chocolate, often served over turkey or chicken.
  • Tamales: Steamed corn dough (masa) filled with various fillings like mole, meats, or cheese, wrapped in banana or corn leaves.
  • Bacalao a la Vizcaína: A traditional dish made of dried codfish cooked in a tomato and chili-based sauce, often enjoyed during Christmas Eve.
  • Oaxacan Hot Chocolate: Unlike any other hot chocolate, this is a frothy, aromatic drink made from local cacao beans, cinnamon, and sometimes almonds, traditionally whipped using a wooden tool called “molinillo.”

Festive Markets and Shopping

Christmas in Oaxaca is synonymous with vibrant markets bursting with colors, aromas, and the sound of festive cheer. These markets become the heart of the celebrations, offering everything from intricate crafts to traditional foods:

  • Mercado de Nochebuena: Named after the poinsettia flower (Nochebuena in Spanish), this market in Oaxaca City is a must-visit. It’s brimming with Christmas decorations, crafts, toys, and festive foods.
  • Handmade Crafts: Look for handmade textiles, pottery, and wood carvings – perfect souvenirs or gifts that encapsulate the spirit of Oaxaca.
  • Traditional Attires: Markets during this season often have stalls selling traditional Oaxacan attire, perfect for those looking to immerse themselves fully in the celebrations.

Tips for Tourists When Observing Oaxaca Christmas Traditions

Experiencing Christmas in Oaxaca is a treat, but a few tips can enhance the experience:

  • Participation: Don’t shy away! Join in the festivities, sing along, and partake in communal meals. Oaxacans are welcoming and appreciate it when visitors engage genuinely in their traditions.
  • Etiquette: While participating, always be respectful of religious and cultural rituals. It’s also recommended to ask for permission before taking photos, especially during ceremonies.
  • Dress Appropriately: If attending religious events or ceremonies, wear modest clothing out of respect.
  • Safety: Like any other bustling festivity, be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded areas. Keep your belongings secure.

Final Thoughts on Oaxaca Christmas Traditions

Oaxaca Christmas Traditions: Christmas Traditions in Oaxaca Mexico to Experience

Oaxaca offers a Christmas experience steeped in tradition, infused with local culture, and flavored with its unique gastronomy. Whether it’s the unique radish artistry, the soul-stirring music, or the rich culinary heritage, Christmas in Oaxaca is an immersive dive into a culture that beautifully marries the past with the present.

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