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10 Best Countries to Live In the World: Where to Go in 2024

10 Best Countries to Live In the World Where to Go in 2024

What Makes a Country Great to Live In?

When considering moving to a new country, weighing several important factors contributing to a high quality of life is natural. But what exactly should we look for? This guide will dive into the criteria that help determine the best places to settle down. We’ll explore how health care, education, economic stability, and safety play pivotal roles in shaping the environments of various countries around the globe. Whether you’re seeking adventure, stability, or a vibrant cultural scene, understanding these fundamentals will help you make an informed decision.

Let’s start discovering where you might find your perfect home away from home.

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Our Criteria for Choosing the Best Countries to Live In The World

Deciding on the best country to call home involves more than just a feeling—it’s based on quantifiable aspects that impact daily life and long-term well-being. Here’s what we consider when ranking the best countries to live in:

  1. Health Care Quality and Accessibility: Top-notch medical care is crucial. We look at how countries manage both the quality of their healthcare services and their accessibility to all residents, including expats.
  2. Education System: From public schools to universities, the strength of the educational system is a major factor. We evaluate literacy rates, enrollment figures, and the overall quality of education to see how well a country prepares its citizens for the world.
  3. Economic Stability: A stable economy is a backbone for quality of life. To gauge a country’s economic security, we consider the unemployment rate, job market diversity, and economic forecasts.
  4. Safety and Security: Feeling safe is fundamental. Our rankings take into account crime rates, law enforcement efficiency, and overall personal safety.
  5. Income Equality: A fair income distribution speaks volumes about a country’s social health. We assess how wealth is spread across the population to understand the extent of economic disparity.
  6. Cultural Richness and Social Life: The vibrancy of a country’s culture and the warmth of its community life can significantly enhance your living experience. We look at cultural heritage, recreational opportunities, and the openness of society.

By evaluating these criteria, we can identify which countries offer the best overall environment for their inhabitants aka the best countries to live in the world. This methodical approach ensures that our list is well-rounded and considers all aspects of living abroad.

No. 1: Norway – Our Top Choice for Best Countries to Live in the World

Norway 10 Best Countries to Live In the World Where to Go in 2024

Norway is renowned for its exceptional quality of life, comprehensive public services, and stunning landscapes. This guide provides an overview of what expats can expect regarding living standards, cost of living, and some of the best city options.

Quality of Life in Norway

Expats often choose Norway for its excellent healthcare, education, and safety — all of which contribute to its consistently high rankings in global quality of life indexes. The country’s strong focus on work-life balance and community well-being makes it a desirable destination for those seeking a fulfilling expat experience.

Best Cities and Affordable Areas

Norway’s best cities for expats include Oslo, the vibrant capital known for its business opportunities and cultural scene; Bergen, famous for its historical heritage and scenic beauty; Stavanger, a key player in the energy sector; and Trondheim, known for its technology and innovation. For more affordable living options, smaller cities such as Tromsø and Ålesund offer lower living costs while still providing high living standards and access to Norway’s picturesque landscapes.

Quick Facts Table for Expats:

Official LanguageNorwegian; English widely spoken
CurrencyNorwegian Krone (NOK)
Major IndustriesOil and gas, maritime, seafood, technology
Tax SystemProgressive; supports extensive social services
HealthcareUniversal coverage, top-tier medical facilities
EducationFree up to university level, high-quality standards
SafetyRanked among the safest countries globally
Cultural LifeRich in outdoor activities, arts, and festivals

Cost of Living:

Living in Norway comes with a higher price tag, reflecting its high standard of living. Here are some typical costs, with USD conversions for clarity:

  • Housing: Renting a one-bedroom apartment in Oslo’s city center can cost around 12,000 to 15,000 NOK per month (approximately $1,200 to $1,500 USD). In comparison, similar accommodations in smaller cities like Tromsø might range from 8,000 to 10,000 NOK (about $800 to $1,000 USD).
  • Groceries: Depending on dietary habits, monthly groceries for one person may cost between 3,000 and 4,000 NOK (roughly $300 to $400 USD).
  • Dining Out: A meal at an inexpensive restaurant is typically around 150 to 200 NOK (about $15 to $20 USD), while a three-course meal at a mid-range restaurant can cost about 600 to 800 NOK per person (approximately $60 to $80 USD).
  • Transportation: A monthly public transport pass ranges from 700 to 900 NOK (around $70 to $90 USD), with higher prices in larger cities like Oslo.


Norway is a top choice for expats looking for a place that balances professional opportunities with a high quality of life. The beauty of its natural landscapes, combined with a strong social support system, makes it an attractive, albeit expensive, destination. By understanding the cost of living and choosing the right city, expats can fully embrace the Norwegian lifestyle and enjoy all that this beautiful country offers.

No. 2: Switzerland

Switzerland - 10 Best Countries to Live In the World_ Where to Go in 2024

Switzerland is renowned for its pristine landscapes, political neutrality, and high quality of life. This Alpine nation offers a unique combination of cultural diversity, economic stability, and exemplary public services, making it a top destination for expats.

Quick Facts:

Health Care IndexExceptional quality with universal coverage
Education IndexWorld-class educational institutions
Economic StabilityHighly stable with strong banking and finance sectors
Safety IndexAmong the safest countries in the world
Income EqualityLow levels of income disparity
Cultural RichnessMultilingual society with rich cultural heritage


Health Care and Education: Switzerland’s health care system is universally recognized for its efficiency and service quality. Health insurance is mandatory, ensuring that all residents have access to care. Education in Switzerland is equally prestigious, with numerous top-ranking universities and a strong emphasis on multilingual education, reflecting the country’s four official languages.

Economic and Safety: Switzerland’s economy is robust and diversified, known as a global hub for finance and banking. It also excels in pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, and technology. Safety is a hallmark of Swiss life, with very low crime rates and a high level of personal security.

Cultural Life: Switzerland’s cultural fabric is enriched by its multilingual populace and its central European location, which blends the traditions and customs of its neighbors. This cultural diversity is celebrated yearly through festivals, music, and art events.

Living Expenses:

Switzerland is known for its high cost of living, corresponding to high salaries and quality of life. Here are some typical costs:

  • Housing: Renting a one-bedroom apartment in city centers like Zurich or Geneva can range from 1,500 to 3,000 CHF per month (approximately $1,600 to $3,200 USD).
  • Groceries: Depending on lifestyle, monthly groceries might cost between 300 and 600 CHF (about $320 to $640 USD).
  • Dining Out: An inexpensive restaurant averages about 25 CHF ($27 USD), while a three-course meal at a mid-range restaurant can be around 100 CHF ($107 USD).
  • Transportation: A monthly public transport pass typically costs around 70 to 100 CHF ($75 to $107 USD), varying by city.

Switzerland offers a serene and orderly lifestyle, backed by a strong economy and efficient public services, making it a highly desirable country for expats seeking stability and high living standards.

No. 3: Denmark

DENMARK 10 Best Countries to Live In the World Where to Go in 2024

Thanks to its robust welfare state, commitment to sustainability, and friendly community-oriented culture, Denmark consistently ranks as one of the top countries for quality of life. This Nordic nation offers an enviable balance of work and life, making it a highly appealing destination for expats.

Quick Facts:

Health Care IndexHigh-quality, universally accessible health care
Education IndexHigh-quality, universally accessible healthcare
Economic StabilityStrong economy with a focus on green technologies and sustainability
Safety IndexVery safe, with low crime rates
Income EqualityHigh levels of social equality
Cultural RichnessDeep historical roots with a vibrant modern culture


Health Care and Education: Denmark’s universal health care system is financed by taxes, ensuring that all residents have access to comprehensive medical services without direct charges at the point of use. The Danish education system is renowned for fostering innovation and creativity, offering free higher education to all EU/EEA students and very reasonable fees for non-EU students.

Economic and Safety: With an economy built on a strong foundation of renewable energy and advanced technology sectors, Denmark is not only stable but also forward-thinking. Safety is a top priority, with very low crime rates contributing to a high sense of security among residents.

Cultural Life: Denmark boasts a rich cultural life that includes everything from historic Viking roots to modern design and architecture. The Danish concept of “hygge,” which emphasizes coziness and comfortable conviviality, is central to the national identity and reflects in the warm, friendly atmosphere of its cities and towns.

Living Expenses:

While Denmark offers an excellent standard of living, it also comes with a relatively high cost. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Housing: A one-bedroom apartment in central Copenhagen can cost between 8,000 and 12,000 DKK per month (approximately $1,200 to $1,800 USD).
  • Groceries: You can expect to spend around 2,000 to 3,000 DKK ($300 to $450 USD) monthly on groceries.
  • Dining Out: A meal at an inexpensive restaurant might cost 100 to 150 DKK ($15 to $22 USD), while a more substantial meal at a mid-range restaurant can cost 400 to 600 DKK ($60 to $90 USD).
  • Transportation: A monthly public transport pass in significant cities typically costs around 400 to 600 DKK ($60 to $90 USD).

Denmark’s high standards in social services, environmental care, and cultural richness make it an outstanding choice for expats looking for a secure, stable, and fulfilling environment to live.

No. 4: Sweden

Sweden - 10 Best Countries to Live In the World_ Where to Go in 2024

Sweden is globally recognized for its high quality of life, progressive social policies, and stunning natural landscapes. This Scandinavian country is a pioneer in environmental sustainability and equality, offering a robust social safety net and a culture that promotes work-life balance.

Quick Facts:

Health Care IndexExcellent universal health care system
Education IndexHigh educational standards and innovation
Economic StabilityStrong economy with a focus on technology and sustainability
Safety IndexExtremely safe, with low crime rates
Income EqualityOne of the highest levels of income equality in the world
Cultural RichnessRich in history with a strong emphasis on arts and innovation


Health Care and Education: Sweden offers universal health care that is largely taxpayer-funded, providing all residents with access to affordable and quality medical services. Its education system is also highly regarded, offering free education from primary to higher education, which fosters a well-educated workforce.

Economic and Safety: Sweden’s economy is characterized by its technological innovation and commitment to green energy, which drives its stability and growth. It ranks very high in safety, maintaining one of the lowest crime rates globally, significantly enhancing quality of life.

Cultural Life: Swedish culture is deeply interconnected with its progressive values, focusing on sustainability, equality, and inclusiveness. It has a vibrant arts scene, numerous museums, and yearly cultural festivals that reflect its rich heritage and contemporary creativity.

Living Expenses:

The cost of living in Sweden is high but balanced by the high living standards and comprehensive social benefits. Here’s an overview:

  • Housing: A one-bedroom apartment in central Stockholm costs 12,000 to 18,000 SEK monthly (about $1,200 to $1,800 USD).
  • Groceries: Monthly groceries cost about 2,500 to 3,500 SEK ($250 to $350 USD).
  • Dining Out: A casual meal might cost around 100 to 200 SEK ($10 to $20 USD), while a dinner at a mid-range restaurant can be about 500 to 700 SEK ($50 to $70 USD).
  • Transportation: A monthly public transport pass generally costs about 800 to 1,000 SEK ($80 to $100 USD).

Sweden is an ideal destination for expats seeking a balanced lifestyle with strong social services, a clean environment, and a welcoming community. Its commitment to social welfare and sustainability makes it an attractive place to live and work.

No. 5: Finland

FINLAND - 10 Best Countries to Live In the World_ Where to Go in 2024

Finland is celebrated for its exceptional quality of life, advanced education system, and commitment to social equality. Known for its serene landscapes and innovative approach to technology and welfare, Finland offers a unique setting for expats seeking a secure and community-oriented lifestyle.

Quick Facts:

Health Care IndexTop-notch healthcare services accessible to all
Education IndexWorld-leading in educational standards and outcomes
Economic StabilityStrong economy with a focus on technology and manufacturing
Safety IndexAmong the safest countries in the world
Income EqualityLow levels of income disparity
Cultural RichnessRich cultural heritage with a focus on arts and nature


Health Care and Education: Finland’s health care system is lauded for its efficiency and the quality of its services, provided to all residents through a mainly publicly funded system. The Finnish education system is renowned globally for its innovative teaching methods and excellent student outcomes, making it a magnet for families.

Economic and Safety: Finland’s economy benefits from a mixture of industries, including technology, manufacturing, and services, which ensures financial stability. It consistently ranks high in safety metrics, offering a secure environment for its residents.

Cultural Life: Finnish culture is deeply connected to the natural environment, which is evident in their love for outdoor activities and the arts. Finland is famous for its design and architecture and hosts numerous music and arts festivals annually.

Living Expenses:

Finland’s cost of living is high but considered reasonable given its quality of life. Here’s a snapshot of typical expenses:

  • Housing: A one-bedroom apartment in central Helsinki can cost between 900 and 1,400 EUR per month (approximately $950 to $1,480 USD).
  • Groceries: A monthly grocery bill for one person might be around 200 to 300 EUR ($210 to $320 USD).
  • Dining Out: An inexpensive meal costs about 12 to 20 EUR ($13 to $21 USD), and a three-course meal at a mid-range restaurant may cost around 50 to 75 EUR ($53 to $79 USD).
  • Transportation: A monthly public transportation pass is typically about 50 to 70 EUR ($53 to $74 USD).

Finland offers an ideal environment for expats looking for a high-quality lifestyle in a safe, stable, and socially progressive country. Its focus on education, health, and welfare makes it an attractive destination for individuals and families.

No. 6: Netherlands

Netherlands - 10 Best Countries to Live In the World_ Where to Go in 2024

The Netherlands is known for its high standard of living, progressive social policies, and a landscape as charming as it is efficient. This flat country is famous for its liberal values, vibrant cultural life, and robust economy, making it a top destination for expats worldwide.

Quick Facts:

Health Care IndexAccessible and high-quality healthcare system
Education IndexInnovative and inclusive education system
Economic StabilityStrong focus on international trade and innovation
Safety IndexVery safe with low crime rates
Income EqualityModerate levels of income equality
Cultural RichnessRich in history, arts, and multicultural integration


Health Care and Education: The Dutch healthcare system is well-organized and funded through national insurance schemes, ensuring high-quality care is available to everyone. Education in the Netherlands is noted for its high quality and inclusivity, with numerous top-ranked universities and various international schools.

Economic and Safety: The Dutch economy is robust, with significant strengths in sectors like agriculture, trade, and technology. The country’s strategic location also makes it a gateway to Europe, enhancing its economic dynamism. Safety is a hallmark of life in the Netherlands, with very low crime rates contributing to a secure living environment.

Cultural Life: The Netherlands boasts a rich cultural tapestry. It is known for its historical cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Utrecht, each offering a unique blend of old-world charm and modern sophistication. The Dutch are also celebrated for their festivals, museums, and strong appreciation for the arts.

Living Expenses:

While the Netherlands offers a high standard of living, it also has a relatively high cost, particularly in major urban areas. Here are some typical costs:

  • Housing: Renting a one-bedroom apartment in a city center like Amsterdam can cost between €1,200 and €1,800 per month (approximately $1,260 to $1,890 USD).
  • Groceries: Monthly groceries for one person might cost about €200 to €300 ($210 to $315 USD).
  • Dining Out: An inexpensive meal may run about €15 to €20 ($16 to $21 USD), while a three-course meal at a mid-range restaurant can be around €30 to €50 ($32 to $53 USD).
  • Transportation: Depending on the city, a monthly public transportation pass generally costs around €90 to €120 ($95 to $126 USD).

The Netherlands is an attractive destination for those seeking a balanced lifestyle in a socially progressive and economically stable environment. Its commitment to sustainability, cycling culture, and community living makes it a unique and appealing choice for expats.

No. 7: Canada

Canada - 10 Best Countries to Live In the World_ Where to Go in 2024

Canada is renowned for its vast landscapes, multicultural society, and high quality of life. It offers a stable environment, excellent healthcare, and a reputation for friendliness and inclusivity, making it a top choice for expats from around the globe.

Quick Facts:

Health Care IndexUniversal healthcare system known for quality and accessibility
Education IndexDiverse economy with natural solid resource sectors
Economic StabilityFair distribution of income, though challenges remain
Safety IndexHigh safety standards with low crime rates
Income EqualityFair distribution of income though challenges remain
Cultural RichnessDiverse cultural landscape due to high immigration rates


Health Care and Education: Canada’s healthcare system is publicly funded, offering services at little to no direct cost to residents. Its education system is consistently ranked among the best in the world, with public schooling available to every child and numerous top-tier universities.

Economic and Safety: Canada’s economy is robust, supported by its vast natural resources, technology sectors, and manufacturing. It’s considered one of the safest countries in the world, with a low crime rate and a high standard of living.

Cultural Life: Canada’s cultural diversity is one of its hallmarks, reflecting a rich mosaic of ethnic backgrounds and languages. It’s known for its wide array of food, music, and arts festivals that celebrate its multicultural identity.

Living Expenses:

The cost of living in Canada varies significantly depending on the region:

  • Housing: Renting a one-bedroom apartment can range from CAD $1,200 in smaller cities to CAD $2,200 in major urban centers like Toronto or Vancouver.
  • Groceries: Monthly grocery expenses for one person can average around CAD $300 to $400.
  • Dining Out: Eating out at an inexpensive restaurant may cost about CAD $15 to $25 per meal, while a three-course meal at a mid-range restaurant can range from CAD $50 to $70.
  • Transportation: A monthly public transit pass costs about CAD $90 to $150, varying prices by city.

Canada’s commitment to social welfare, environmental sustainability, and economic stability makes it an ideal destination for expats looking for a safe, welcoming, and diverse place to call home.

No. 8: New Zealand

New zealand - 10 Best Countries to Live In the World_ Where to Go in 2024

New Zealand is renowned for its stunning natural beauty, strong social policies, and overall high quality of life. This island nation in the southwestern Pacific Ocean offers a safe, welcoming environment for expats and locals alike and a commitment to environmental preservation and cultural diversity.

Quick Facts:

Health Care IndexHigh-quality healthcare accessible to all residents
Education IndexAn excellent educational system with a international solid reputation
Economic StabilityStable economy with key sectors in agriculture, tourism, and film production
Safety IndexOne of the safest countries with low crime rates
Income EqualityBetter than average income equality compared to global standards
Cultural RichnessRich indigenous Māori culture integrated with a diverse immigrant population


Health Care and Education: Due to government subsidies, New Zealand provides public healthcare that is mostly free or low-cost. The country is also known for its high educational standards, featuring a mix of state and private schools and internationally recognized universities.

Economic and Safety: The economy benefits from a robust agricultural sector, vibrant tourism, and a burgeoning film industry. New Zealand is considered extremely safe, with very low crime rates, making it a desirable destination.

Cultural Life: New Zealand’s culture is a dynamic blend of Māori traditions and contemporary Kiwi life, creating a unique cultural identity. The country is famous for its arts, sports, and outdoor activities, reflecting its residents’ connection to the land and sea.

Living Expenses:

The cost of living in New Zealand is relatively high but comparable to other countries with similar standards of living:

  • Housing: Renting a one-bedroom apartment in city centers like Auckland or Wellington can cost NZD $1,800 to $2,500 per month.
  • Groceries: Monthly groceries for one person may cost around NZD $300 to $400.
  • Dining Out: An inexpensive meal might cost NZD $20 to $30, while a three-course meal at a mid-range restaurant could be around NZD $60 to $100.
  • Transportation: A monthly public transportation pass usually costs NZD $120 to $180.

New Zealand’s dedication to maintaining a high standard of living, natural beauty, and strong cultural values make it an excellent choice for expats seeking a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

Australia – Known for its laid-back culture, economic stability, and high standards of healthcare and education.

No. 9: Australia

Australia - 10 Best Countries to Live In the World_ Where to Go in 2024

Australia is celebrated for its vibrant culture, stunning natural landscapes, and high standard of living. Known for its laid-back lifestyle, this vast country offers many opportunities for expats looking for adventure, career growth, and a quality life.

Quick Facts:

Health Care IndexComprehensive public healthcare system
Education IndexRobust educational system with global recognition
Economic StabilityStrong economy focused on mining, agriculture, and technology
Safety IndexGenerally safe with regional variations
Income EqualityModerate levels of income inequality
Cultural RichnessA diverse multicultural society with a strong indigenous heritage


Health Care and Education: Australia provides public healthcare, known as Medicare, which covers many medical services and prescriptions at low or no cost. Its educational system is one of its crowning achievements, offering high-quality education from primary through tertiary levels, including several world-ranked universities.

Economic and Safety: Australia’s economy is diversified, with strengths in natural resources, agriculture, and rapidly growing tech and service sectors. It is considered safe, although, like any country, some areas are safer than others. Overall, the lifestyle and the governance structure promote a secure living environment.

Cultural Life: Australia is immensely diverse, with significant influences from its indigenous populations and a large immigrant community. It is known for its vibrant arts scene, love of sports, and strong beach culture, central to the Australian way of life.

Living Expenses:

The cost of living in Australia is relatively high, particularly in major cities like Sydney and Melbourne:

  • Housing: A one-bedroom apartment in city centers can cost AUD $2,000 and $3,000 monthly.
  • Groceries: Expect to spend around AUD $400 to $600 monthly on groceries.
  • Dining Out: A meal at an inexpensive restaurant might cost about AUD $20, while a mid-range restaurant could cost AUD $80 to $100.
  • Transportation: Public transport passes typically range from AUD $120 to $200 per month, depending on the city.

Australia’s blend of natural beauty, economic opportunity, and cultural diversity makes it a highly appealing destination for expats seeking a dynamic and fulfilling lifestyle in one of the world’s most scenic environments.

Germany offers robust industry, high efficiency, and comprehensive social security, and it has a rich cultural history.

No. 10: Germany

Germany - 10 Best Countries to Live In the World_ Where to Go in 2024

Germany is known for its robust economy, rich cultural history, and high living standards. This central European powerhouse is a hub of engineering, technological innovation, and artistic depth, making it a favored destination for expats worldwide.

Quick Facts:

Health Care IndexComprehensive healthcare system with universal coverage
Education IndexStrong emphasis on education, with world-renowned universities
Economic StabilityPowerful industrial base and leading exporter in Europe
Safety IndexHigh safety standards with low crime rates
Income EqualityModerate but improving income equality
Cultural RichnessDeep historical roots and thriving modern arts scene


Health Care and Education: Germany offers a public healthcare system funded by a mandatory health insurance scheme, ensuring that healthcare is accessible and affordable for all residents. The educational system is also highly acclaimed, particularly for its dual system combining apprenticeships with vocational education.

Economic and Safety: Known as Europe’s largest economy, Germany’s economic strength is rooted in its industrial and technological sectors, making it a beacon of financial stability and job opportunities. It is also one of the safest countries in Europe, with a well-established rule of law and low crime rates.

Cultural Life: Germany’s rich cultural heritage includes contributions to classical music, philosophy, and art. It is also known for its vibrant contemporary culture, including music festivals, art shows, and a flourishing culinary scene.

Living Expenses:

Living expenses in Germany can vary significantly between regions:

  • Housing: Renting a one-bedroom apartment in major cities like Berlin or Munich can range from €700 to €1,500 per month.
  • Groceries: Monthly grocery costs are about €200 to €400, depending on lifestyle.
  • Dining Out: A meal at an inexpensive restaurant typically costs around €10 to €20, while a three-course meal at a mid-range restaurant may be about €30 to €60.
  • Transportation: A monthly public transportation ticket usually costs between €70 and € 100 and offers comprehensive access across each city.

Germany’s combination of high-quality public services, economic strength, and cultural richness makes it an excellent choice for expats seeking a balanced and enriching European experience.

Final Thoughts: Choosing the Best Country for Your Needs

Deciding on the best country to move to is a significant decision that depends on various factors, including personal preferences, career opportunities, family considerations, and lifestyle desires. The countries listed in this guide are consistently ranked high for their quality of life, which encompasses safety, health care, education, economic stability, and cultural richness.

Each country offers its unique advantages:

  • Nordic countries like Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark score high on safety, social welfare, and happiness indices.
  • Switzerland combines exceptional governance with stunning natural beauty and robust economic health.
  • The Netherlands and Germany shine with their progressive social policies and robust educational systems.
  • Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are known for their vast, beautiful landscapes and welcoming immigration policies, making them especially appealing to those from more crowded or less diverse environments.

When choosing a destination, consider how each country’s climate, language, and social norms might mesh with your personal situation and goals. Additionally, cost of living and the ability to integrate into the local community should also be key considerations.

Ultimately, the best country to move to aligns most closely with your personal and professional aspirations and provides the best environment for you or your family to grow and thrive. Each of these countries has something unique to offer, and your choice will depend on what balance of work, lifestyle, and environment is right for you.

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