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10 Things To Know Before Visiting Peru – Peru Travel Tips

Last updated on March 19th, 2024 at 11:12 am

things to know before going to Peru, 10 Things To Know Before Visiting Peru - Peru Travel Tips

Hola, wanderlust souls! 🌎 Ready to embark on a journey to the heart of South America and experience the magic of Peru? Let’s dive into all the things to know before visiting Peru.

Some of the top things to know before going to Peru is knowing what to pack for the correct weather, food to try, altitude for Cusco, and more.

Peru is not just a destination; it’s a feeling, an experience, a story waiting to unfold. Nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the rugged terrain of the Andes, this South American gem is an intricate blend of ancient and contemporary. Its past is told through the silent ruins of Machu Picchu, the mysterious Nazca Lines, and the cobblestone streets of Cusco. Meanwhile, its present vibrates through the bustling markets of Lima, the pulsating rhythms of Afro-Peruvian music, and the myriad festivals that light up its calendar.

Yet, beyond its obvious attractions, Peru captivates with its contrasts. From the arid expanses of its desert coastline to the lush embrace of the Amazon Rainforest, the country is a geographer’s dream. Snow-capped peaks give way to cloud forests, and verdant valleys merge into serene lakes. It’s a place where the traditional weaves seamlessly with the modern, where Quechua-speaking elders share stories in the shadow of bustling, cosmopolitan cafes.

And then, there’s the Peruvian spirit – resilient, warm, and filled with zest. It’s a spirit that’s reflected in the country’s gastronomic feats, its rich tapestry of dance and art, and its timeless traditions that continue to pulse through the veins of its people.

As you gear up to explore this multifaceted nation, it’s essential to arm yourself with knowledge. Not just to navigate its landscapes, but to truly immerse in its essence. To understand its nuances, respect its ethos, and, in doing so, enrich your own journey manifold. This guide aims to be your compass, your confidant in ensuring every step you take in Peru is informed, respectful, and, most importantly, unforgettable.

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Things To Know Before Visiting Peru

1. Visa and Passport Requirements

Things to Know Before Going to Peru

Just like RSVP-ing to a party, check whether you need an invitation (visa) to enter the Peru fiesta.

  • Most travelers, including from the U.S., EU, and Australia, can stay in Peru for up to 90 days visa-free. But hey, always double-check based on your nationality!
  • Overstaying? There might be a fine when you leave. If you wish to extend your stay, consider visiting the immigration office.

2. Currency Lowdown

Let’s talk moolah.

  • Peru’s official currency is the Peruvian Sol (PEN). While many places accept U.S. dollars, you’ll get better rates with local money. Oh, and those small towns? They love cash over cards.
  • Credit cards are accepted in major cities and tourist areas. But always keep a bit of cash handy, especially when exploring off-the-beaten-path places.

3. Best Time to Visit

Things to Know Before Going to Peru

Weather-wise, Peru is a bit of a chameleon.

  • Coastal areas? Think desert climate with warm summers and mild winters. Ideal for beach bums!
  • Andean highlands? Yes, Machu Picchu! It’s busiest from June to August. If you don’t mind a bit of rain but fewer crowds, consider shoulder months like April and October.

4. Language Tips

Converse like a local—or at least try!

  • Spanish dominates, but you’ll also hear Quechua and Aymara, especially in the Andes. A pocket dictionary or translation app can be a savior.
  • A friendly “¿Cómo estás?” (How are you?) can be an icebreaker with locals.

5. Cultural Etiquette

It’s not just about selfies with llamas (though, highly recommended).

  • Respect sacred sites. Remember, places like Machu Picchu aren’t just tourist attractions; they’re cultural legacies.
  • Negotiate prices at markets, but always with a smile.

6. Cuisine and Drinks

Taste buds, get ready for a rollercoaster.

  • Apart from ceviche, explore dishes like “lomo saltado” (stir-fried beef) or “aji de gallina” (creamy chicken).
  • Vegetarians, rejoice with “causa” – a layered potato dish.
  • For the brave-hearted, there’s “cuy” – yes, that’s guinea pig!

7. Health and Safety

Stay fit and fab.

  • Altitude sickness is real in high-altitude cities like Cusco. Hydrate and acclimatize.
  • Street food is delicious but stick to stalls with queues, and always drink bottled water.
  • Vaccinations? Hepatitis A, Typhoid, and Yellow Fever shots are recommended.
  • Got travel insurance? Make sure it covers altitude sickness treatments and other adventure activities.
  • Keep personal belongings close in crowded areas. Petty theft is, unfortunately, a thing.


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8. Transportation Tips

Ride in style (or at least efficiently).

  • The “colectivo” or shared minivans are an authentic (and economical) experience. Routes are often yelled out by the driver’s assistant!
  • Want more comfort? “Cruz del Sur” and “Oltursa” are among the premium long-distance bus companies.

Book Online Transportation Before your trip in Peru

9. Wildlife and Nature

From rainforests to alpacas, Peru is Mother Nature’s canvas.

  • In coastal areas, watch for sea lions and penguins.
  • Respect wildlife: No feeding or touching, no matter how cute!
  • Conservation is key. If you buy wildlife products, you might be contributing to illegal trade.

Click here to book online Cusco activities and tours

10. Shopping

Bring back more than just memories.

  • Handmade textiles are popular souvenirs. Each region boasts a unique pattern.
  • Silver jewelry from Cusco and colorful pottery from Arequipa make great gifts.
  • Remember to keep small denominations. Many vendors might not have change for large bills.

Pack your enthusiasm and a dash of patience, and you’re set to enjoy a Peruvian escapade like no other. Safe journeying! 🌍🌺🦙

More Things To Know Before Visiting Peru – What to Pack Based on Weather/Time of Visit

For Coastal Adventures:

The Peruvian coast, with its unique desert climate, promises a blend of sun-drenched beaches and cool, refreshing evenings:

  • Summer (December to March): Think sun and sand. Opt for breathable fabrics, preferably cotton or linen. Flip-flops are great for the beach, but pack a pair of comfortable walking shoes for city explorations. A light cardigan or jacket is perfect for when the temperatures dip in the evening.
  • Winter (June to September): Fog often envelops the coast, and while it’s not freezing, the humidity can make it feel colder than it is. Packing a medium-weight jacket, layered clothing, and closed shoes is advisable.

Highland Expeditions:

The Andes are a world of their own, with microclimates and ever-changing weather:

  • Dry Season (April to October): Despite being the dry season, temperatures can fluctuate greatly. While exploring towns or trekking during the day, light clothing works. But as sunset approaches, temperatures can drop rapidly. Always have a fleece or wool sweater at hand, and a thermal hat and gloves are a must for chilly nights.
  • Rainy Season (November to March): Rain showers can be sporadic but heavy. It’s crucial to have a reliable rain jacket. Consider packing a lightweight, quick-drying towel, too. Waterproof hiking boots will ensure your feet stay dry during treks.

Amazon Jungle Escapades (things to know before going to Peru)

The heart of the Amazon is humid, dense, and teeming with life. Prepare for warmth and occasional downpours:

  • Jungle humidity means your clothes will take longer to dry. Quick-dry fabrics are ideal.
  • Lightweight, breathable, but long clothing helps protect against insect bites. A quality bug net or hat with an attached net can be a lifesaver in dense mosquito areas.
  • While there are many beautiful sounds in the jungle, the hum of mosquitoes isn’t one of them. Waterproof insect repellent is crucial. Consider packing a travel-sized first aid kit with antihistamines, as well.

Remember, while packing, it’s not just about being prepared for the weather, but also aligning with the local customs and ensuring comfort during various activities you’d partake in. Happy packing!

FAQs – Things To Know Before Going to Peru

Q: Are credit cards widely accepted in Peru?

A: Major cities and tourist areas usually accept credit cards, especially Visa and Mastercard. However, in remote areas or local markets, cash in Peruvian Soles is king.

Q: What’s the official language of Peru? Is English widely spoken?

A: Spanish is the official language of Peru. While you’ll find English speakers in tourist hubs and upscale hotels, it’s less common in rural areas. A basic grasp of Spanish or a phrasebook can be invaluable.

Q: Is Peru safe for solo travelers?

A: Yes, many solo travelers venture to Peru each year. However, like any destination, it’s essential to exercise caution, be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded areas, and avoid isolated spots after dark.

Q: Are there any local customs or etiquettes I should be aware of?

A: Peruvians are warm and polite. A friendly “Hola” (Hello) or “Gracias” (Thank You) goes a long way. It’s customary to greet with a single kiss on the cheek among friends. When visiting religious sites or local homes, dressing modestly is appreciated.

Q: How’s the internet connectivity in Peru (things to know before going to Peru)

A: In the major cities such as Lima, Cusco, and Arequipa, you’ll find relatively stable internet connectivity in hotels, cafes, and many restaurants. However, as you venture into more remote regions, especially in the Amazon rainforest or high-altitude mountain areas, the connection can be sporadic or non-existent. It might be worth considering a local SIM card for better connectivity during your travels.

Q: Do I need to bring a power adapter when traveling to Peru?

A: Peru primarily uses Type A and Type C outlets, operating on a 220-volt, 60-hertz system. If your devices aren’t compatible or if you come from countries with different plug types or voltages, you’d need a plug adapter or voltage converter.

Q: What’s the situation with altitude sickness in places like Cusco or Machu Picchu?

A: Altitude sickness can be a concern for travelers heading to high-altitude destinations like Cusco (around 3,400 meters) or the Machu Picchu region. Symptoms can include headaches, fatigue, and dizziness. To minimize the risk, it’s advisable to acclimatize by spending a day or two in Cusco before ascending further. Staying hydrated, avoiding alcohol, and considering altitude sickness pills (after consulting with a doctor) can also help.

Q: What kind of food specialties should I try in Peru?

A: Peru boasts a culinary landscape as diverse as its geography. Ceviche is a must-try — it’s a raw fish dish marinated in citrus juices. Lomo saltado, a flavorful beef stir fry, and aji de gallina, a creamy chicken dish, showcase the fusion of indigenous and international flavors. For the adventurous, there’s cuy (guinea pig), a traditional delicacy in the Andes.

Q: Are there specific festivals or events I should be aware of?

A: Absolutely! Peru is home to vibrant festivals, with Inti Raymi (Festival of the Sun) in Cusco being one of the most iconic, celebrating the Incan Sun God. The Fiestas Patrias in July commemorates Peru’s independence. Each region might have its unique celebrations, so checking local calendars can enhance your cultural experience.

Q: How do I get to Machu Picchu?

A: Most travelers reach Machu Picchu via Cusco. From Cusco, you can take a train to Aguas Calientes, the town located at the base of Machu Picchu. There are also multi-day treks like the Inca Trail, but these require advanced booking and a reasonable level of fitness.

Final Thoughts on Things To Know Before Going to Peru

Things to Know Before Going to Peru

Some of the top things to know before going to Peru is knowing what to pack for the correct weather, food to try, altitude for Cusco and more.

Peru is more than just a destination; it’s a sensory explosion. From the mystic ruins of ancient civilizations to the bustling markets of Lima, every corner tells a story. So, pack that bag, brush up on your Spanish, and dive headfirst into the Peruvian tapestry. Safe travels, amigo!

Note: Information is ever-evolving. While this guide provides a chilled-out overview, always double-check specifics before your trip.

And there you have it—a relaxed guide on “Things to Know Before Going to Peru.” Adjust as needed based on the depth of information you want and other subtopics you wish to explore. Safe travels! 🌍🦙🌄

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