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How to get from Bali to Gili Trawangan By Ferry

How to get from Bali to Gili Trawangan By Ferry, Bali to Gili Trawangan, cheapest way from Bali to Gili Trawangan, best way from Bali to Gili Trawangan, ferry from Bali to Gili Trawangan, ferry schedule from Bali to Gili Trawangan, ferry fare from Bali to Gili Trawangan, Bali to Gili Trawangan ferry,

How to get from Bali to Gili Trawangan By Ferry – There is a 1 hour and 30 minutes boat ride as the best option

What Is The Distance from Bali to Gili Trawangan?

The distance from Padang Bai in Bali to Gili Trawangan is 61 Kilometers. Click here to book online Bali activities and day trip

What Is The Cheapest Way from Bali to Gili Trawangan?

The cheapest way from Bali to Gili Trawangan is by a local ferry for $14 USD you can book online and it will take 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Read here the best things to do in Gili Trawangan and how to get from Lombok to Gili Trawangan

Where to Stay in Gili Trawangan

Room rates start at $15-20 USD for a private room with a bathroom. You can get a modest room for this price and comes with a pretty good internet connection.

Book your accommodation with Boooking and Agoda 

Booking Your Travel Insurance

You can read Heymondo Vs Safetwing cheapest travel Insurance. You can get for $135 USD your Heymondo Travel Insurance with Heymondo discount code valid for 90 days. Read our full Heymondo Travel Insurance Review

How to get from Bali to Gili Trawangan

How to get from Bali to Gili Trawangan By Ferry, Bali to Gili Trawangan, cheapest way from Bali to Gili Trawangan, best way from Bali to Gili Trawangan, ferry from Bali to Gili Trawangan, ferry schedule from Bali to Gili Trawangan, ferry fare from Bali to Gili Trawangan, Bali to Gili Trawangan ferry,

By Ferry from Bali to Gili Trawangan

The easiest route is going by ferry from Bali to Gili Trawangan. The boats are leaving from Padang Bai (check the exact location in Google Maps).


The ferries are leaving from Padang Bai to Gili Trawangan starting at 9 am to 2 pm. The ferry boat will take around 1 hour and 30 minutes. Outside this schedule, you can get private boats at a more expensive price!

The ferry fare from Bali to Gili Trawangan starts at $14 USD you can book online or you can do at Padang Bai Port.

Be careful in the high season you can run out of tickets and you will have to buy private or more expensive ferries!

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Happy Travels!

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