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Spanish Breakfast Recipes – 20 Traditional Breakfast in Spain To Try

Spanish Breakfast – When having breakfast in Spain it’s hard to miss the traditional Spanish churros with cafe con leche or cafe cortado. RELATED TRAVEL GUIDES: WHERE TO STAY IN SPAIN  You can stay in a dorm or a room from €20-25. Of course, there are also available Airbnb for €40-60 a night.  Click here to get the …

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Why Spain is One of the Most Visited Countries in the World

Our guide on Why Spain is One of the Most Visited Countries in the World for your next trip will help you decide! Spain consistently ranks as one of the most visited countries in the world, attracting millions of tourists each year. The allure of Spain lies in its diverse offerings, from historical landmarks and …

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15 Reasons For Americans to Move to Spain

Our guide on the best Reasons For Americans to Move to Spain if you plan to do it soon. Spain is an increasingly popular destination for Americans seeking a change of pace, culture, and lifestyle. Whether it’s the sunny climate, the rich history, or the appealing cost of living, there are many reasons to consider …

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10 Reasons Not to Visit Spain And 5 Main Reasons to Visit Spain

Spain is celebrated for its diverse culture, historical landmarks, and picturesque landscapes. However, there are several reasons why it might not be the ideal destination for every traveler. This comprehensive guide outlines various factors that could influence your decision to visit Spain. While Spain offers a wealth of attractions and experiences, potential drawbacks include overcrowded …

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10 Travel Bucket List Destinations North of Spain

Our guide on the Bucket List Destinations North of Spain for your next travel. Northern Spain is a region rich in natural beauty, vibrant culture, and historical significance. From the rugged coastlines of the Atlantic to the lush green landscapes and charming cities, here are some of the top travel bucket list destinations in northern …

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13 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Spain and How to Avoid Them

Our full guide on the most common Mistakes to Avoid in Spain for your next trip. Spain is a diverse and vibrant country with a rich cultural heritage, beautiful landscapes, and delicious cuisine. To make the most of your visit, it’s important to be aware of common travel mistakes and how to avoid them. Here’s …

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How to get wifi when traveling the world

It’s nice to think that we travel everyday without worrying about anything in the world, but in reality, we do think seriously about a number of things.  How to get wifi when traveling? A life of continuous travel actually requires a lot of serious planning in other areas of your life, and one of that …

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10 Common Mistakes to Avoid on Spanish Beaches And How to Avoid Them

Our full guide on the most common Mistakes to Avoid on Spanish Beaches and How to Avoid them. Spain boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, stretching along the Mediterranean, Atlantic, and the Balearic and Canary Islands. To ensure you have the best beach experience, here are some common mistakes to avoid …

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32 Best Places To Visit in Madrid and Things to do in Madrid

Best Places To Visit in Madrid and Things to do in Madrid – Today I’m guiding you guys around my city where I have been living in Madrid for 30 years. I’m writing the best places to visit in Madrid for you. Perhaps one of the most famous city in Spain, Europe and the entire …

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40 Quick Facts About Spain That You Didn’t Know

Our full guide on Facts About Spain that you didn’t know for you to read before visiting Spain. Spain is a country with a rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural wonders. Here are some lesser-known facts that can enrich your travel experience and understanding of this vibrant nation.  Read here Spanish food, Biggest Mistakes when moving …

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Best Things To Know Before Visiting Spain – 30 Cool Facts about Spain

Best Things to know before visiting Spain, Spain travel tips and all the cool facts about Spain. From first-timers to seasoned travelers, this post will be your go-to guide to get to know things to know before visiting Spain and what awaits you to the place where old and traditional meets with new and modern. …

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Best things to do in Lisbon and Places to visit in Lisbon

Lisbon, a city that’s older than Paris, Madrid Rome and London by centuries, is no forgotten relic of past civilizations. Sure, there are plenty of wonderful museums and landmarks here, but those antiquities are just fragments compared to Lisbon’s big picture. The thriving nightlife, inviting music scene and unique cuisine of Portugal makes it a …

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